The ahaadith where he wore it on the right hand have been mentioned in this chapter. It is stated there that the ring was worn on the right hand. According to this humble servant, the mentioning of the right hand shows that this is the preferred method. Shaami has quoted both views. It is a practice of the Muhadditheen, that although if three ahaadith are correct on a subject and due to some special rule it does not comply with the standard, they will mention their views on this special rule. Allamah Munaawi says that this is best because it protects the stone and saves one from pride and high mindedness.
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Many ahaadith prove that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam saytidina the ring on both the right or the left hand. The 'ulama have also given preference to both. It is mentioned in Durri Mukhtaar from Qahistani that it has become a symbol of the Rawaafid Shi'as to wear a ring on the right hand, therefore it is waajib to abstain from wearing it on the right hand. The top portion remained towards the inside. The second matter referred to is the wearing of the ring on the smallest finger.
The people were prohibited from making this inscription on their rings.
Lagu ST12 Lengkap
Therefore Ibn Hajar, who is an Imam of the science of hadith says, "After studying that hadith, I have found that if it is worn for elegance and beauty, it should be worn on the right hand, and if it is worn for use as a seal or stamp it should be worn on the left hand, as it is easier to remove from the left hand when using it.
Ibn Ishaq says, "I have seen Salt wear a ring on the smallest finger of his right hand this is known as the chungla finger in Urdu. The author of St2 Mukhtaar says that it is possible that it was the symbol of the Rawaafid at that time and now it is not. Commentary Imam Tirmizi has written this hadith briefly. Commentary This hadith is contrary to the ones mentioned at the beginning of the chapter by Imam Tirmizi.
As to whether it fell from the hands of Hazrat Uthman radiyallahu anhu or from the hands of Mu'ayqib radiyallahu anhu, the Ulama have adopted the view that it sayyiina the latter.
sayydina This incident is mentioned in many ahaadith. Imam Nawawi has also stated the unanimous verdict of the Ulama in this respect. It is very important to save one's self from imitating the fussaaq plural of faasiq.
Both ahaadith agree that it happened between them. Hazrat Mu'ayqib radiyallahu anhu was a Sahabi and the guardian keeper of the ring of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam. This is also the view of Imaam Bukhaari, Imaam Tirmidhi, and other muhadditheen.
According to the madhhab, the view stated by Shaami is more reliable acceptable. Thereafter, the Prophet of Allah sallallah alaihe wasallam threw away the gold ring aayyidina said, "I will never wear it again. One is that the top part was kept on the outer side of the finger.
This is also mentioned in the hadith appearing hereafter.
A group of muhadditheen have preferred the view that he wore the ring on his right hand. Shaami has quoted both views.
sayyidiNa sT12
Imaani Nawawi has stated that it is permissible according to the majority of the 'ulama, to wear it on either hand without karaahah. According to this explanation no narration will be different from a translation.
The 'ulama differ as to which hand it is best to wear a ring. I enquired the reason from him. It will not be appropriate to discuss it here. It is a practice of the Muhadditheen, that although if three ahaadith are correct on a subject and due to some special rule it does not comply with the standard, they will mention their views on this special rule. He replied, "I have seen Hazrat Ibn Abbas radiyallahu anhu wearing it in this manner.
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This is the same ring which fell from the hands of Hazrat Mu'ayqib radiyallahu anhu into the well of Arees during the reign of Hazrat Uthman radiyallahu anhu. The ahaadith regarding his wearing it on the left hand are stated in the Abu Daud and Muslim etc. All the Ulama are unanimous in that it is haraam for men to wear gold. Commentary The findings of Imam Tirmizi are that both these hadith are incorrect, which would mean that Hazrat Anas radiyallahu anhu could not ascertain the correct hand.
Therefore, Imam Tirmizi has made a comment here.
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