Monday, November 25, 2019


By 'noise', we mean fractal-based grayscale noise that is colorized. TD - Displace Blue X: With the right settings it can also be used to generate a randomly placed line of distortion that jumps around the footage. Lines create a strobe effect of lines moving upwards or downwards through the holograph image. This means you can get effects like glitching, color separation, etc at random. holomatrix after effects cs4

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Higher values move the ghost to the right. Higher values increase the chance of a random duration.

Applying Holomatrix

The static is subtle and you can make it more or less so. The longer your strobe time, the more you will see the difference between a strobe and a fade. Normally when your footage is 30 FPS, and your comp is 10 FPS, this means the comp is dropping every 2nd and 3rd frame.

Traveling Distortion Traveling Distortion creates the effect of a horizontal pattern of distortion scrolling down the screen. For example, the holpmatrix of the horizontal Lines in some of the presets is affected by Frame Rate.

Applying Holomatrix : Adobe After Effects

Basically, 'static' is a lot of a little noise. Flicker Opacity Max Determines how high the opacity of the flicker in the effect will remain. Value range is 1 to 5. TD - Randomize Position: The base frame effechs is based on the Frame Rate value. Static Settings Static Settings create, you guessed it, static.

The speed of the line motion is not affected; only the playback rate of the effect is changed. BD - Distortion Scale: Holomatris values move the ghost to the left.

SL - Randomize Position Frequency. Value range is 0 to Glitching determines how often and how much the image gets a digital glitch - blocky pieces of the image displaced.

holomatrix after effects cs4

Controls the amount of vertical displacement on the Green channel. This means they interpolate between values, becoming more or erfects visible over time. TV Roll creates a scroll of your source footage.

The higher the number, the more distorted the footage will be.

holomatrix after effects cs4

Determines how far from the edge the fade begins. You may notice that if you apply Holomatrix after other effects have been applied to your footage, those effects will disappear. Scale the effect up or down over the image to get the correct look for your composition. Glitch Hole Fragments When increased, this slider breaks up the Glitch hole blocks more frequently into quartered areas that appear and disappear at random. SD - Chromatic Distortion: The Lines Up LU parameters control how opaque the lines are, how fast they move, and their height and vibration.

holomatrix after effects cs4

Working with 3 frame rates is not ideal unless you are trying to simulate cs44 reception, because you are alternating between repeated frames and dropped ones. Parameters in the Frame Rate Settings group include: TD - Displace Red Y: TD - Distortion Falloff: Min sets how transparent the lines can be, while Max sets how opaque or solid they can appear.

BD - Distortion Strength Y:

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