Friday, November 29, 2019


The power of our weapons can be regulated in a very simple way by turning the screw nr 14 or 54 of the explosive sights. Hello The BMGun loaders, allow to use long ammunition up to 12mm and more weight We also manufacture according to customers' request. Hello Yes, we can send our weapons and components to the USA. Two other questions for you,what are caliber choices and is purchase available to the United States?? March 17, at marian baicu

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marian baicu

Thanck you Thanck you. March 18, at 5: Do u provide parts or accessories?

marian baicu

Wow those are some beautiful rifles! I am a professional gunsmith in Spain and manufacturer of pcp weapons of the brand BMGun. Hello From the beginning I want to say that I am not maria that this is the right place for my presentation, and if it is not, I apologize.

April 27, at 7: Thank you very much for the appreciations. April 27, vaicu 2: Are these strictly special order,or is there a semi custom version available of each type? We also manufacture according to customers' request.

March 21, at 5: March 17, at April 28, at 2: March 27, at 8: LW barrels and so many other top-end features make these guns truly outstanding. April 10, at 1: I appreciate the classic styling and workmanship including the bull pup model. Bakcu Yes, we can send our weapons and components to the USA.

baicu marian (marian_baicu_su) on Pinterest

May 10, at Please only take a look at our website and say what you think. BMGun, those are some outstanding examples of your workmanship. Yes, we can ship to USA. Email subscription Yes Bacu. May 9, at 2: I will respond with great pleasure to any questions you may have.

Two other questions for you,what are caliber choices and is purchase available to the United States?? Do not be shy, I promise to fit the criticism.

marian baicu

April 11, at 4: That said, the Stutzen No1 is a really cool rifle! I am not a PCP shooter so your offerings are not in my wheelhouse. Please tell us how you want your rifle.

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The power of our weapons can be regulated in a very simple way by turning the screw nr 14 or 54 of the explosive sights. Hello The BMGun loaders, allow to use long ammunition up to 12mm and more weight Totally unique in it's looks and the stock maroan gorgeous.

July 1, at 5:

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