Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Finally, she can steal Lieutenant Sarat, Nucharee's fiance to get married with her instead. She was too nice to Nan to see that she was trying to make a move on Rat and that he was eating it up. July 13, at Retrieved from " https: Nantawadee and Nucharee are sisters with the same father. kularb rai narm

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When her father is dead, Nuanjai, Kluarb mother intends to share some inheritance to Nantawadee, but she gives the condition that Nantawadee must move to live in her grandmother's house. Retrieved from " https: Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection!

Kularb Rai Narm - ShareRice Wiki (AFN)

Their grandmother doesn't accept Nantawadee's mother because she's a bar girl. As I watched the opening I had expected Tah to have a nice hat to go with his officer outfit only to find him wear a envelope. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in ria web browser http: Forum Actors Actress About.

Nantawadee accepts to move in and pretends to be good to her new family, but in her mind, she doesn't like her grandmother and Nuanjai. MediaWiki spam blocked by CleanTalk.

kularb rai narm

Ny's Blog Memories for a lifetime. Hopefully she will see later that they had good intentions towards her from the beginning before she tried to destroy their lives. Notify me oularb new comments via email. Individual shots Nan, is actually a nice girl but because of the brainwashing she receives from her mother and grandma she turns into a crazy villain who will do whatever she can to reach her goals.

Kularb Rai Narm

But meeting Nuch had changed him. You are commenting using your Google account. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Nan, is actually a nice girl but because of the brainwashing she receives from her mother and grandma she turns into a crazy villain who will do whatever she can to reach her goals. kulzrb

She grew up know that Nan was her sister but was never able to meet her. She was too nice to Nan to see that she was trying to make a kluarb on Rat and that he was eating it up. It also stars Ploy and Tah.

File:Kularb Rai Narm (Rose Without Thorns).jpg - ShareRice Wiki (AFN)

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here July 13, at You are commenting using your WordPress. P The crew at the opening ceremony. And she's also jealous of Nucharee, she tries to steal everythings that belongs to Nucharee.

Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Nantawadee and Nucharee are sisters with the same father. Notify me of new posts via email.

Grandmother tries to ask to adopt Nantawadee, but her mother refused, so Nantawadee has to grow up among the bar girls. Grandmother tries to ask to adopt Nantawadee, but her mother refused, so Nantawadee has to grow up among the bar girls.

kularb rai narm

This site uses cookies. So far the story is interesting to me enough to keep me waiting for it each week. But somethings being too nice blinds someone from see the persons true intentions and this is what happens to her.

When Nantawadee knows that Nadda is richer and better than her husband, she tries to divorce her husband and approachs Nadda. This opened her eyes up and made her somewhat stronger but seeing Rat still brings back the old narn of when they were together which keeps her from not protecting herself.

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